12 Travel No-Nos for Your Next International Trip

Traveling brings excitement, but it can also cause a few hiccups along the way. Even the most seasoned travelers are bound to make a mistake or two while traveling abroad. We have compiled a list of things to avoid while traveling abroad, read on.


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Lugging around a heavy suitcase can be a serious dampener on your holiday. Pack only the bare necessities; leave your shampoo and body moisturizers behind, you get everything everywhere. Carry versatile pieces of clothing that you can mix and match. Think of buying local.

Being Super Friendly

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While it is good to interact with the locals, it always pays off to exercise caution. Trusting someone without knowing them can prove to be a mistake. Stay close to your tour guide, do not accept food or drink offered by strangers, and don’t disclose personal information with all and sundry.

Carrying Valuables

Sad (tired) woman sitting in the airport - missed or cancelled flight concept.
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Wearing expensive jewelry, watches, and cameras may attract the attention of pickpockets. Even if you don’t get robbed, you will be worried about losing them behind. It is advisable to leave valuables at home. However, if you still need to carry some items, put them in a crossbody bag or front pouch.

Carrying Only Credit Cards

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It is undoubtedly convenient and less hassle to carry credit cards; swipe here and there and your transactions are complete. However, think of the scenarios where owing to poor network coverage, you are not able to swipe the card, the local shopkeeper doesn’t accept credit cards, your card is blocked or worse still, you have lost your wallet. It is advisable to carry some cash and traveler’s checks over and above your credit cards to cover all possible scenarios.

Not Making Electronic Copies Of Your Documents

Two surprised students learning in library on laptop
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Although you will be carrying your passports, credit cards, travelers’ checks, itineraries, plane tickets, travel insurance, medical insurance cards, and visas, it is a good practice to create an electronic backup of the above documents. You can email the documents or keep them in your drive, and access them in case of theft or loss of the paperwork. 

Creating A Super Rigid Itinerary

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A super rigid itinerary with many tourist destinations might sound great on paper but might not be feasible. Hopping from one destination to another without a break will only leave you stressed, defying the purpose of the vacation. Build in some unscheduled time in your itinerary, so that you can relax or spend quality time knowing and understanding the culture of a place. 

Carrying Everything Together

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While it is tempting to keep cash, credit cards, traveler’s check, and identification documents all in one purse or wallet, it is also a sure-shot recipe for disaster. If you lose that purse/wallet, you lose everything at once. Avoid putting yourself in such a position, and leave money, credit cards, and ID proofs that you won’t need in the safe of your hotel room. Keep money and identification documents in different spots on your person, like inside the socks, in the zip pocket of your jacket, or your front pouch.

Not Taking Out A Travel Insurance Policy

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Many people think they do not need travel insurance. While your health insurance might offer you some international coverage, it won’t cover all illnesses, injuries, loss of belongings, or death on foreign land. Make sure you are properly insured before leaving. Also, read and understand the terms and conditions of your travel insurance policy thoroughly so you know what to expect in case an emergency overseas arises.

Booking Flights Too Close Together

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Booking your flights close together can be tempting as you want to reach your destination as early as possible, but it can also backfire. Any delay in one flight can affect the subsequent flights and the rest of your trip. Give yourself a buffer of at least two to three hours between two flights so that even with a slight delay, you have enough time to get through security and reach the gate without the stress.

Not Informing Your Bank Of Your Travel

couple saving money
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Banks have been known to block cards and freeze accounts if they see out-of-country transactions. While you can always call them up and sort it out, just imagine the time wasted and the stress involved. Notify your bank of your upcoming travel plans to avoid a misunderstanding. Also, it is a good idea to keep your bank’s international customer service number handy in case you need it. 

Not Carrying Prescription Medicines

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While over-the-counter drugs are available in all countries for regular maladies like stomach upset, vomiting and nausea, constipation, cold, and cough, you might not be lucky as far as prescription medicines are concerned. It is better to carry your prescription medicines, however, remember to carry a medical prescription, in English or translated into English, from a licensed doctor. Most countries allow only a 30-90 day supply of a prescription.

Not Trying To Learn The Local Culture

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One of the major purposes of traveling abroad is learning another culture, however, if you stay put in the hotel or stay close to your group, you will miss out on learning the local culture. Try to familiarize yourself with important social customs such as greetings and a few words in the local language, participate in local festivals, and eat in local food shops rather than international fast food joints, and you will realize you have gained much more from your holiday.

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