20 Activities to Avoid in Your 75+ Years

As we journey through life, our bodies and minds undergo inevitable changes. While age is just a number and should never limit our potential, it’s essential to approach certain activities with caution as we grow older. After reaching the milestone of 75 years, it becomes even more crucial to prioritize safety, well-being, and longevity. In this blog post, we’ll explore some activities that individuals in this age group may want to avoid or approach with careful consideration.

High-Impact Exercise

Senior man having fun at home.
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While staying active is crucial for maintaining mobility and overall health, high-impact exercises like running or intense aerobics classes may pose risks for older adults. Instead, consider low-impact activities such as walking, swimming, or tai chi, which provide the benefits of exercise without putting undue strain on joints and muscles.

Heavy Lifting

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As we age, muscle mass naturally decreases, making heavy lifting tasks more challenging and potentially hazardous. Avoid lifting heavy objects whenever possible, and enlist assistance when necessary. Alternatively, consider using assistive devices like carts or trolleys to transport heavy items safely.

Certain Over-the-Counter Medications

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Some over-the-counter pain relievers and sleep aids can exert stronger effects on older adults, potentially causing dizziness, confusion, and an increased risk of falls. It’s crucial to consult your doctor before starting any new medication, including over-the-counter options. Your doctor can suggest safer alternatives tailored to your specific needs and health status.

Extreme Sports

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While adrenaline-fueled activities like skydiving or rock climbing may be thrilling, they also come with inherent risks, especially for older individuals. Engaging in extreme sports can put additional strain on the body and increase the likelihood of injury. Instead, opt for recreational activities that offer excitement without the same level of danger, such as hiking, birdwatching, or gentle cycling.

Social Isolation

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Maintaining social connections is paramount for mental and physical well-being at any age, but it becomes even more critical after reaching 75. Social isolation can precipitate feelings of depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline. To combat this, actively engage with friends and family, consider joining clubs or social groups, volunteer, or participate in activities that bring you joy and foster social interaction.

Driving Long Distances

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As we age, changes in vision, reaction time, and cognitive function can affect our ability to drive safely, particularly over long distances. Consider limiting long-distance driving or planning frequent rest breaks to combat fatigue. Additionally, stay up-to-date with regular vision and hearing tests, and be open to alternative transportation options when needed.

Skipping Meals

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As we age, our bodies become less efficient at absorbing essential nutrients. Skipping meals can lead to deficiencies in vital vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin D and calcium, crucial for maintaining bone health. This deficiency can weaken bones and increase the risk of fractures. Aim for a balanced diet with three regular meals and healthy snacks throughout the day to ensure adequate nutrient intake.


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While it may seem self-evident, even minimal smoking can have severe repercussions after the age of 75. Smoking compromises lung and heart health, heightening the risk of respiratory ailments, cardiovascular diseases, and various cancers. Furthermore, smoking impedes wound healing and weakens the immune system, rendering individuals more susceptible to infections. Quitting smoking is advantageous at any stage of life, but beyond 75, it becomes imperative for safeguarding health and longevity.

Overcommitting to Social Obligations

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While maintaining an active social life is essential for mental and emotional well-being, overcommitting to social obligations can lead to stress and exhaustion. Prioritize quality over quantity when it comes to social engagements, and don’t hesitate to decline invitations if you feel overwhelmed or fatigued.


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Maintaining regular physical activity is paramount for optimal health beyond the age of 75. Exercise strengthens muscles, improves balance and coordination, reducing the risk of falls. It also enhances mood, energy levels, and cognitive function. Strive for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week, incorporating activities like walking, swimming, or yoga into your routine.

Ignoring Medical Symptoms

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As we age, our bodies may experience new or worsening medical symptoms that require attention. Don’t ignore signs of discomfort or changes in health status, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or unexplained weight loss. Consult with a healthcare professional promptly to address any concerns and ensure optimal health and well-being.

Neglecting Mental Stimulation

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Just as physical exercise is essential for maintaining physical health, mental stimulation is crucial for preserving cognitive function as we age. Avoid activities that promote mental stagnation, such as excessive television watching or mindless scrolling on electronic devices. Instead, engage in activities that challenge the mind, such as puzzles, reading, learning a new language, or participating in stimulating conversations.

Excessive Salt Intake

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As we grow older, our kidneys become less effective at filtering sodium, making excessive salt intake particularly detrimental. A high-sodium diet can elevate blood pressure, putting strain on the heart and increasing the risk of stroke and heart disease. To mitigate these risks, limit consumption of processed foods, restaurant meals, and added salt at home. Opt instead for fresh ingredients and herbs to enhance flavor without compromising health.

Alcohol Consumption

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Even moderate alcohol consumption can pose increased risks for older adults. Alcohol can disrupt sleep patterns, which are already more delicate in older individuals, and may interact adversely with medications, heightening the risk of falls. It’s advisable to limit alcohol intake or abstain entirely, consulting with a healthcare professional to determine a safe amount.

Unbalanced Diet

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A diet lacking essential nutrients can have profound implications for overall health after the age of 75. Prioritize a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, alongside lean protein sources such as fish, poultry, or beans. These foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber crucial for digestion, bone health, and immune function.

Financial Insecurity

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Financial stress can significantly impact health, particularly for those over 75. Explore strategies to manage finances and plan for the future, seeking guidance from a financial advisor if necessary. Reducing financial stress can contribute to overall well-being, mitigating the adverse effects of stress on the immune system and mental health.


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Diminished thirst sensation with age increases the risk of dehydration, particularly concerning for older adults. Dehydration can lead to confusion, dizziness, fatigue, and exacerbate urinary tract infections. Stay hydrated by sipping water throughout the day, aiming for at least eight glasses daily, adjusting intake based on climate and activity level.

Unsafe Sun Exposure

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Prolonged sun exposure without protection elevates the risk of skin cancer, especially concerning for individuals over 75. With age, the skin becomes thinner and more susceptible to damage. Protect yourself by seeking shade during peak sun hours, wearing sun-protective clothing, and regularly applying broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.

Poor Sleep Hygiene

Young couple lying in bed, man using digital tablet, bored woman using smartphone. Close up. Professional shot in 4K resolution. 072. You can use it e.g. in your commercial video, business, presentation, broadcast video.
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As sleep becomes more fragmented with age, maintaining good sleep hygiene practices becomes essential after 75. Establish a relaxing bedtime routine, maintain consistent sleep and wake times, and create a conducive sleep environment free of distractions. Limit screen time before bed and avoid stimulants like caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime to promote restful sleep.

Foot Neglect

Man Suffering From Knee Pain Sitting On Sofa

Proper foot care is paramount in older age to prevent foot-related problems such as corns, bunions, and infections. Inspect feet daily for any abnormalities, wear properly fitting shoes with adequate support, and practice good hygiene by washing and drying feet thoroughly. Seek prompt medical attention for any foot concerns to prevent complications and maintain mobility and comfort.

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