12 Things to Do First Thing in the Morning

A successful day often begins with an intense morning routine. The activities you choose in the initial moments after waking can significantly influence the rest of your day. Whether you jump out of bed immediately or need a few extra minutes to wake up, adopting these morning habits can help you feel revitalized and prepared for the day ahead.

Here are some morning routines you can adopt to create a foundation for a more balanced and fulfilling day.

Hydrate with a Glass of Water

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Start your day by drinking water to jumpstart your metabolism and help eliminate toxins. Consuming water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning can increase your metabolism by as much as 25%, making you feel more energized and refreshed. Staying hydrated is an easy way to enhance your overall well-being and maintain higher energy levels throughout the day.

Practice Mindful Breathing

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Breathing exercises are powerful tools for relaxation and stress relief. Mindful breathing can effectively reduce stress-related symptoms like rapid heart rate and high blood pressure.

A study has shown that a 10-minute mindfulness meditation session could help counteract the negative effects of exposure to social media images promoting thinspiration on women’s self-esteem, mood, and body appreciation.

Deep breathing signals your brain to enter a state of relaxation, which in turn helps your body unwind. Spend a few minutes each morning focusing on deep, calming breaths to set a peaceful tone for the day.

Stretch or Do Some Light Yoga

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Gentle stretching or yoga in the morning helps wake up your muscles and joints after a night’s sleep. This practice improves flexibility, enhances circulation, and releases endorphins, the body’s natural mood boosters. According to a report by Yogitimes, around 36 million Americans regularly practice yoga as of 2023.

Write Down Your Goals for the Day

Image credit- Galina Zhigalova, Adobe Stock

Taking a moment to write down your goals for the day can significantly increase productivity. Outlining what you need to accomplish creates a clear roadmap for success. According to a 2022 report, people who recorded their goals were 42% more likely to achieve them than those who didn’t. Keep it simple and focus on three to five main tasks to stay on track.

Eat a Balanced Breakfast

Image Credit: Asier Romero, Shutterstock

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and starting with a balanced one is essential. A report by Colorado State University indicates that eating a high-protein breakfast can enhance feelings of fullness, keeping you satisfied well into the afternoon. A breakfast rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats helps maintain energy levels and manage cravings, preparing you for a productive day.

Expose Yourself to Natural Light

Image credit- Volodymyr, Adobe Stock

Natural light is crucial for regulating your internal clock and boosting your mood. Stanford neuroscientist Andrew Huberman, PhD, recommends aiming for 5 to 10 minutes of sunlight exposure on sunny mornings and 15 to 20 minutes on cloudy days. A 2024 report from CNET highlights that exposure to natural light can help maintain your circadian rhythm and improve alertness. Step outside or open your blinds early in the morning to harness the benefits of natural light and set a positive tone for the day.

Avoid Your Phone for the First Hour

Image Credit: Svitlana Sokolova, Shutterstock

Reaching for your phone as soon as you wake up is a widespread habit, with over 80% of people checking their devices within the first 15 minutes of waking. However, reaching for your phone first thing in the morning can disrupt your sleep-wake cycle by shifting your brain into alert mode, increasing stress and anxiety as you react to notifications and updates. Morning phone use can elevate your dopamine baseline, leading to a constant craving for more social media engagement throughout the day.

Make Your Bed

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Making your bed each morning is a simple habit with substantial benefits. A 2024 study shows that people who regularly make their beds are over 80% more likely to stick to daily routines and schedules. In addition to this, out of 1,000 people, 34% of those who consistently make their beds considered themselves “very productive” at work, compared to just 21% of those who skip this task. This small accomplishment helps foster a sense of order and discipline, setting a positive tone and contributing to a more organized and productive day.

Set a Positive Intention

Image Credit: LightField Studios, Shutterstock

Beginning your day with a positive intention can significantly improve your mood and increase your motivation. A report by Flown indicates that aligning your actions with a sense of purpose increases dopamine levels, the neurotransmitter associated with feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. Setting a clear and positive intention each morning can increase dopamine levels, contributing to a more motivated and optimistic outlook.

Listen to Uplifting Music

Image credit- Halfpoint, Shutterstock

Start your day on a positive note by listening to uplifting music. Music is an effective way to influence mood and energy levels significantly. A report by Trala suggests that listening to cheerful and energetic music in the morning can substantially increase productivity and improve overall energy levels. Curate a morning playlist with your favorite upbeat tracks to boost your spirits and set a lively tone for the day ahead.

Read Something Inspirational

Image Credit: FamVeld, Shutterstock

Starting your day with inspiration can significantly enhance your mindset and mood. Engaging with uplifting content, whether a motivational quote, a few pages of a book, or an inspiring article, can significantly elevate your mood and boost your optimism. Dedicating just a few minutes each morning to reading something that resonates with you helps set a positive tone for the day, fostering greater motivation and a more hopeful outlook as you tackle your daily tasks.

Practice Gratitude Journaling

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Starting your day with gratitude journaling can enhance your mood and overall well-being. Regularly writing down what you’re thankful for can boost optimism by 5% to 15% and improve sleep quality by up to 25%. This habit redirects your attention toward the positive elements of your life, fostering a more hopeful and relaxed mindset. By dedicating a few minutes each morning to gratitude, you set a positive tone for the day and enjoy greater mental and physical benefits.

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