13 Old Boomer Habits That Are Making A Comeback

In today’s digital age when trends come and go faster than you can imagine, some enduring practices are reclaiming their place in our lives. This is particularly true for certain practices and habits that were once common among the boomer generation.

These habits were once dismissed as old-fashioned, but now there is a growing admiration for the timeless wisdom behind these practices. We take a look at thirteen such boomer habits that are making a notable comeback these days :

Vinyl Records And Analog Music

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One of the most delightful comebacks in recent years is the resurgence of vinyl records among audiophiles and young music enthusiasts. In a world of on-demand music, they are being appreciated for their warm, analog sound and music lovers hunt for rare gems in record stores and flea markets. The tactile experience of holding the vinyl record forges a physical link to the music.

Home Cooking And Traditional Recipe

Image Credit: Ivanko80, Shutterstock

During the COVID-19 pandemic, people spent more time at home and this resulted in the trend towards home cooking and traditional recipes, popular in the boomer era. People were making a shift towards healthier, more cost-effective, and authentic culinary experiences. They enjoyed the satisfaction of cooking meals from scratch and exploring cherished family recipes. The kitchen became a place where family and friends bonded over creating a delicious meal.

DIY And Crafting

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The DIY movement, which was prevalent during the boomer years with activities like home improvement and crafting, is experiencing a revival. We can witness this trend across a variety of platforms like YouTube tutorials, Pinterest boards, and Etsy shops. The younger generation prefers unique, hand-made items over mass-produced goods. DIY projects can be more cost-effective and environment friendly aligning with the contemporary values of sustainability and minimalism.

Gardening And Home Grown Produce

Gardening mature woman harvesting fresh tomatoes in her garden green house
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Gardening, once a favorite boomer pastime, is seeing a resurgence today among the Millennials and Gen-Zs. Gardening is known for its therapeutic benefits, promoting relaxation and providing moderate exercise, just what is badly needed in today’s fast-paced world. Urban gardening is thriving today with young people cultivating veggies and nurturing houseplants in their humble abodes. Growing one’s food offers control over what one consumes and gives a sense of independence. Social media is abuzz with plant communities where young people connect and share knowledge.

Thrift shopping and Vintage Fashion

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Thrifting is back in a big way and mind you, not just as your grandma’s hobby. This treasure hunt for pre-owned clothes, furniture and more is seeing a revival, particularly among the younger generations. This boomer habit aligns with the contemporary values of sustainability and environment-friendliness. Thrifting also offers a unique shopping experience. Several vintage stores and online platforms have sprung up that allow you to discover one-of-a-kind pieces and curate a truly individual style. The affordability is also a major attraction, especially for the Millenials and Gen-Zs.

Board Games and Family Game Night

Belgorod , Russia - APR, 20, 2020: Children play in Scrabble on the floor. Board game Chips are lined in a crossword. Education, leisure concept Back to school
Editorial credit: Chepko Danil Vitalevich / Shutterstock.com

Board games, a cherished pastime of the boomer generation, are experiencing a resurgence in popularity. Board games enable face-to-face interaction, encouraging family and friends to gather and connect in a way that digital games often do not. They foster friendly competition and laughter around the table. These board games have something to offer to everyone and cater to all interests and age groups.

Handwritten Letters and Cards

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The boomer habit of sending handwritten letters and cards is seeing a revival these days. No doubt the emojis and instant chats rule the digital world, but people love the personal touch of these handwritten letters and cards. The very act of choosing the right stationery, crafting sincere messages, and sending them via snail mail evokes a sense of purpose and thrill missing in the quick emails and texts. Writing by hand is a meditative activity providing a slower pace and break from the digital hustle. Handwritten correspondence is seen as more caring and worthwhile than digital messages.

Reading Physical Books

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Though ebooks and audiobooks offer convenience, physical books provide an unmatched joy to readers. The very feel of paper, the smell of a book, and the visual appeal of a bookshelf offer a unique experience to readers that digital formats can’t replicate. It’s a way to detach oneself from the digital buzz and truly enjoy a story. Also, research suggests that physical books enhance focus and memory retention compared to e-reading. So there is a growing movement rediscovering the joys of reading physical books, once a boomer activity.

Knitting and Crochet

Image Credits: Roman Chazov, Shutterstock

There was a time when knitting, crocheting, and sewing were considered grandma-only crafts. Not anymore, with Millenials and Gen-Zs taking to these activities in a big way. For the younger generation, these activities are a medium of self-expression and creativity. They find solace as it keeps their mind actively engaged. Thanks to social media, there is a rise in online communities and local knitting groups where people connect and offer support to enthusiasts. These fun hobbies let people add their personal touch to clothes and accessories.

Camping and Outdoor Activities

Image Credit: Zamrznuti tonovi, Shutterstock

Outdoor activities like camping and hiking, which were a favorite boomer pastimes, are seeing a renewed interest these days. Millennials and Gen-Zs are increasingly seeking outdoor experiences as a way to disconnect and explore nature. Escaping into nature offers them a break from the constant connectivity of modern life. It offers them the opportunity to reflect and relax, away from the daily grind. These activities also appeal to the adventurous, offering them ways to explore nature, discover new places, and challenge themselves physically.

Volunteering and Community Involvement

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Community service and volunteering, which were integral to the boomer generation, are experiencing a revival. Many young people are engaging in volunteer work and making a positive impact. There’s a growing awareness of social issues and people are seeking ways to contribute to society. Volunteering provides a medium for social change and addresses local issues. People find a sense of fulfillment and purpose when they engage in community work.

Local Shopping and Small Businesses

Image Credit: Marcos Castillo, Shutterstock

Supporting local businesses, a common practice among boomers is seeing a resurgence these days. People seek to strengthen their local communities and reduce their environmental impact. The shop local movement encourages buying from small businesses and stores rather than from big, impersonal chains. When people buy from local stores, the local economy benefits and it creates jobs within the community.

Book clubs and literary Discussions

Image Credit: fizkes, Shutterstock

Book clubs, popular during the Boomer era as a means to engage in literary discussions and share meaningful insights, have found a resurgence in popularity. They offer a social and intellectual outlet that complements solitary reading. Book clubs foster deep connections among members and create a sense of community.

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