12 Things That Are Too Woke For Boomers

In recent years, the cultural landscape has undergone significant shifts, with new social norms and values emerging. These changes, often characterized by a heightened awareness of social justice and inclusivity, are sometimes described as “woke.” While younger generations have largely embraced these shifts, many Boomers—those born between 1946 and 1964—find themselves struggling to keep up with or accept these evolving norms.

Here, we explore several aspects of contemporary culture that are often seen as “too woke” for Boomers.

Gender-Neutral Language

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The push for gender-neutral language aims to make communication more inclusive by avoiding assumptions about gender. This includes using terms like “they” instead of “he” or “she” and opting for job titles like “firefighter” instead of “fireman.” While many see this as a positive step towards inclusivity, Boomers often find it confusing or unnecessary.

Having grown up in a time when gender roles were more rigidly defined, adapting to this new linguistic landscape can be challenging. The debate often centers around the perceived erosion of traditional language and the practical difficulties of changing ingrained habits.

Pronoun Usage

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Closely related to gender-neutral language is the use of preferred pronouns. People now increasingly identify with pronouns that best represent their gender identity, such as “they/them,” “ze/zir,” or “she/her.” For Boomers, who are accustomed to the binary male/female pronouns, this shift can be perplexing.

Many struggle with understanding the importance of pronouns and the respect they represent for an individual’s identity. The concept of pronouns as a reflection of personal identity rather than biological sex is a relatively new idea that can feel alien to those from older generations.

Cancel Culture

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Cancel culture refers to the practice of withdrawing support from public figures or companies after they have done or said something considered objectionable. This phenomenon has gained traction on social media, where calls to “cancel” someone can spread rapidly. Boomers often view cancel culture as overly punitive and reminiscent of public shaming.

They may feel that it allows for no room for mistakes or growth, and can result in disproportionate consequences for relatively minor transgressions. The rapid and sometimes harsh judgments that characterize cancel culture can be at odds with Boomers’ views on forgiveness and redemption.


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Microaggressions are subtle, often unintentional, comments or actions that can be hurtful or discriminatory towards marginalized groups. The concept has gained prominence in discussions about racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination. Boomers, who grew up in a different social climate, might see the focus on microaggressions as overly sensitive or nitpicky.

They may struggle to understand why seemingly innocuous comments are problematic, feeling that the emphasis on microaggressions stifles free speech and healthy discourse. The generational gap in understanding the cumulative impact of these small acts is significant.

Safe Spaces

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Safe spaces are environments where individuals can feel secure and free from discrimination, harassment, or any form of harm. These spaces are particularly important in educational settings, where they provide support for students from marginalized communities.

Boomers often view safe spaces as coddling or overly protective, believing that exposure to different viewpoints and even discomfort is a necessary part of growth and learning. The idea of creating environments where challenging ideas and potential conflicts are minimized can clash with their beliefs in resilience and open debate.


Volunteers with garbage bags cleaning up garbage outdoors - ecology concept.
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Environmental activism has taken on a new urgency, with younger generations pushing for significant changes to combat climate change. These include advocating for sustainable living practices, reducing carbon footprints, and holding corporations accountable for environmental damage.

While Boomers certainly value the environment, the intensity and lifestyle changes demanded by today’s environmental movement can feel extreme to them. Many Boomers grew up with less awareness about environmental issues and may feel overwhelmed by the current emphasis on drastic and immediate action.

Trigger Warnings

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Trigger warnings are notices given before content that might cause distress, particularly to individuals who have experienced trauma. While intended to be considerate, Boomers often see them as unnecessary or indicative of an overly sensitive society.

They may argue that encountering and processing difficult material is a part of life and personal development. The practice of issuing trigger warnings can appear to Boomers as an avoidance of real-world challenges rather than a compassionate acknowledgment of others’ experiences.

Social Media Activism

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The rise of social media has transformed how activism is conducted, with platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok becoming powerful tools for raising awareness and mobilizing support. Boomers, who are less likely to be as engaged with social media, often view this form of activism as superficial or performative.

They may be skeptical of the effectiveness of online campaigns and prefer traditional methods of advocacy, such as in-person protests and letter-writing campaigns. The digital nature of modern activism can create a disconnect with those who are more accustomed to face-to-face interactions and tangible actions.

Veganism and Plant-Based Diets

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The shift towards veganism and plant-based diets, driven by concerns about health, animal welfare, and the environment, is another trend that Boomers often find perplexing. Many grew up with diets centered around meat and dairy, and changing these deeply ingrained habits can be difficult.

Boomers may also view the promotion of veganism as a judgment on their own dietary choices, leading to resistance. The emphasis on alternative proteins and the moral arguments against consuming animal products can feel like an attack on cultural traditions and personal preferences.

Inclusivity in Media

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Representation and inclusivity in media have become major priorities, with efforts to ensure that people of all backgrounds see themselves reflected in television, movies, books, and advertisements. While this is a positive development for many, Boomers might struggle with what they perceive as forced diversity.

They may feel nostalgic for the media they grew up with, which often lacked the diversity seen today. The rapid pace of change in how stories are told and whose stories are highlighted can be jarring for those used to a more homogenous media landscape.

Polyamory and Non-Traditional Relationships

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As societal views on relationships evolve, polyamory and other non-traditional relationship structures are becoming more visible and accepted. Boomers, who grew up with more conventional views on relationships and marriage, often find these concepts difficult to understand or accept.

The idea of multiple romantic partners or fluid relationship boundaries can seem alien and counter to their values of commitment and monogamy. This shift challenges the traditional norms that many Boomers have lived by, leading to discomfort and confusion.

Mental Health Awareness

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The increased focus on mental health, including the normalization of therapy and open discussions about mental health issues, is a significant cultural shift. Boomers, who grew up in an era where mental health was often stigmatized and not openly discussed, might find this openness surprising.

They may be less comfortable with seeking therapy or discussing mental health issues publicly, viewing it as a private matter. The emphasis on mental health awareness can feel like a stark contrast to the “stiff upper lip” attitude prevalent in their formative years.

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