Why Pay More? 15 Items to Buy Generic

Name-brand items are generally expensive, but those loyal to certain brands don’t mind shelling out extra for their name and quality. However, it doesn’t make their generic, store-bought counterparts any less worthy. Certain items bought from a branded store or a mom-and-pop store don’t have much difference in quality, but items bought from no-name-brand stores can certainly save you a small fortune. 

Read on to know 15 items you should buy generic.

Pantry Staples

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Pantry essentials like flour, salt, and sugar are the same quality regardless of your source. Save money on groceries by opting for generic brands. 

Cleaning Supplies

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Most cleaning products like your detergents, floor cleaners, and dishwashing soaps have more or less the same ingredients. So, unless the label says it is made from fruit peels, paying more money for brand-name cleaning supplies does not make sense.


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Mustard, ketchup, paprika, and other condiments are reliable even when generic. Try doing a blind test taste with generic and store-brand condiments; you won’t spot the difference.

Storage Containers

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Whether you buy your storage containers like boxes, baskets, and totes from specialty stores or dollar stores, they are plastic at the end of the day, and serve the same organizational need. There is no need to spend a fortune on brand-name storage containers. 

Plastic Wrap, Aluminum Foil, And Plastic Lock Bags

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Some of these kitchen supplies are as good as their brand-name counterparts. Save yourself a bundle, and experiment with generic plastic wraps, aluminum foils, and plastic lock bags. 

Reading Glasses

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Celebrity-brand reading glasses can cost you a bomb. On the other hand, these glasses bought from big-box stores or hardware stores will cost you next to nothing. So, if magnifying power is all you are looking for, it is cheaper to stick to off-the-shelf dollar store-bought cheaters. 

Baking Essentials

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When it comes to baking items like baking powder, baking soda, brown sugar, icing sugar, and baking sheets, it doesn’t matter much whether you buy branded or generic supplies; they give you the same result. If that’s not a good enough reason to stick to generic baking essentials, consider the huge savings it will fetch you.  

Fresh Produce

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Locally produced and sourced fruits and vegetables take less time to reach your table. As a result, they are fresher, more flavorful, and less expensive. 

Scented Candles

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Candles cast a warm glow in the room and set a romantic atmosphere. But you don’t need expensive candles; even regular candles bought from no-name stores do the same job. Once you remove the wrapping from the costly candles, it is almost impossible to spot the difference between a branded and a non-branded candle. 

Trash Bags

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It is a trash bag for throwing out garbage. Why does one need expensive branded bags? You can get strong and durable trash bags at a fraction of the cost of their name-brand counterparts in Aldi, Costco, supermarkets, and departmental stores.


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Many generic diapers are as safe and soft on babies’ skin as brand-name ones. Do a test and find out by buying a small package. 

Bath Products

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If you love bath bombs, bubble baths, fragrant bath salts, soap bars, shower gels, and liquid soaps, you will find some great bath products at very cheap prices at home good stores, and lower-priced retailers like Trader Joe’s and Aldi.

Frozen Fruits And Veggies

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Generic frozen fruits and veggies are just as good as name-brand produce. Unless you are a big believer in organic and sustainable farming, once the produce reaches the freezer, it is all the same. 


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You might prefer raw over pasteurized and organic over regular milk. However, consider this – your grocery’s milk brand is probably produced locally, that means it travels less and is processed less. Check the label to know where your milk is traveling from.

Electronic Cables

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It’s a common myth that more expensive HDMI cables give better quality sound and image. Image and audio quality don’t improve with cost. Stick with the generic cables and give your wallet a break.

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