Everyone has a few habits that are pretty disgusting and make people go, ‘Eww.’ Yet, people don’t realize they’re doing them or do them when no one is looking. Check out the list of 14 such gross things and whether they are relatable.
Picking Your Nose

While nose-picking is a common habit, it is repulsing when people do it with fingers. What’s even worse to watch is when people roll and twist the booger in their fingers or eat them. Wouldn’t carrying a handkerchief or a tissue napkin be the more hygienic and appropriate option to pick the nose?
Hocking A Loogie

Unless one has to clear nasal mucus due to chest congestion, hocking a loogie for the sake of a habit is gross. No one likes seeing people forcefully spitting out their saliva or phlegm, especially in public places.
Noisy Eating

Cheating loudly while talking or with one’s mouth open can annoy others. This sound can be a significant trigger for people with misophonia, a condition where they have poor tolerance to certain sounds. According to a survey, talking while chewing is the top inexcusable food-eating offense and 28% of Americans admitted being guilty of it.
Not Closing The Toilet Lid

Leaving the toilet seat up after doing business is a never-ending argument in many relationships and households. It is an essential bathroom etiquette that everyone should follow.
Not Washing Hands

Washing hands after using the loo or before eating/cooking food is considered a primary safety measure to prevent the spread of germs or getting sick. Unfortunately, some people ignore it, not caring what others think of them.
Brushing Or Peeing In The Shower

The popular singer-songwriter Kelly Clarkson revealed in her show, ‘The Kelly Clarkson Show,’ that she peed and brushed her teeth in the shower. Most people would find this personal hygiene habit extremely gross, especially when sharing the bathroom space.
Using Phones In The Toilet

Despite several studies and experts warning against the use of phones in the toilets, people continue to defy it. Toilet scrolling can prolong the sitting time, leading to serious health consequences. Not to mention, phones have become a significant carrier of germs.
Farting and Burping

Farts and burps are the body’s natural expulsions, but they can turn off people when done deliberately or loudly. If farting or burping happens frequently, it could be due to poor food habits or medical conditions. It is recommended to eat mindfully or visit a doctor as needed.
Nail Biting

Some people prefer biting their nails to using a nail clipper. This is even more infuriating when they randomly discard the nail chippings anywhere but a dustbin. Nail biting can also be a sign of anxiety, boredom, or hunger, in which case it is a behavioral issue and needs to be addressed appropriately.
Reusing Dirty Underwear And Bras

Some people wear the same underwear or bra consecutively for two days or longer without washing them. Their towels most likely also meet the same fate. They can’t be too busy or lazy to do laundry or grab a clean one.
Not Replacing A Dirty Sponge

It is a good practice to rinse the kitchen sponge and replace it every two to three weeks. However, some people do neither, which is gross because dirty sponges can leave harmful bacteria and foul smells on the dishes.
Piling Up The Trash Bags

Properly disposing of trash bags takes a few minutes. Some people find this essential chore arduous, so they pile up trash bags at home or in their backyards instead of responsibly disposing of the garbage.
Kissing A Pet’s Mouth

With no offense to pet owners and animal lovers, kissing furry friends in their mouths or letting them lick a human face can gross out most people. Pets use their tongue and mouth for several activities, including cleaning themselves. This is unsanitary and poses a risk of infection for humans.
Eating Food Straight Out Of the Tub

Eating with hands is a tradition in several parts of the world. However, it is still disgusting when people scoop peanut butter, ice cream, or Nutella straight out of the container with their fingers, lick them, and repeat.